健身 & 娱乐

假期时间 劳动节那天:星期一.9月. 2, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Pool party reservations are now 关闭 for the remainder of the 2024 fall semester.

我们的35000平方米. ft. Dr. 杰西·C. 多萝西·J. 弗莱彻健身中心可供教师,员工,学生和校友. 我们的设施特点:

  • Free weights and 健身器材
  • 矩阵设备
  • 室内足球场
  • Basketball and volleyball courts
  • Pickleball and badminton
  • 高架轨道
  • Outdoor patio and performance lab

Our front desk phone number is 325-671-2208.


我们一直在健身中心寻找优秀的学生工作者. 去 握手 to see our openings and apply!


  • 周一至周四早上6点.m. – 12 a.m.
  • 星期五6点.m. – 9 p.m.
  • 星期六9点.m. – 9 p.m.
  • 星期天下午1点.m. – 9 p.m.

Brand Swimming 池小时

  • 周一关闭
  • 星期二到星期五早上6点.m. – 8 a.m. / 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 星期六中午12点.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 星期天下午1点.m. – 6 p.m.

健身 Center Family Hours

  • 星期五下午三点.m. -周日晚9点.m.

Brand Swimming Pool Family Hours

  • 星期五:下午三点.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 星期六:下午12点.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 周日:下午1点.m. – 6 p.m.


  • 周一至周六:上午9点.m. – 9 p.m.
  • 周日:下午1点.m. – 9 p.m.

会员 Registration

To register for a membership, 请到健身中心前台申请成为会员. 此外,未来的会员应准备下列文件:

  • 上海外国语大学学生、教职员工身份证
  • HSU 校友: Valid 驾照 or legal document with a Photo ID and proof of Date of Birth (DOB)
  • HSU Dependent: Proof of age (i.e. driver’s license or birth certificate)
  • HSU Spouse: 驾照

学生、教师、 & 员工会员

Students are assessed a fee, 这些都包含在哈丁·西蒙斯大学的学费发票里. 作为福利包的一部分,教职员工可以免费成为该设施的会员.

一旦教师, 工作人员, 学生们已经注册成为会员, they may use their university issued ID card. 此卡必须出示,方可进入健身中心.


To sign-up for an 校友 membership, 赞助人必须获得哈丁·西蒙斯大学的学位. 校友健身中心和泳池会员价格, 请参阅“校友会籍”或“品牌泳池收费”紫色标签.

HSU 健身 Center Guest Policy


  • 所有 members must show their school ID
  • Guest must be present with a photo ID and DOB
  • Guests under 18 years of age are permitted access to the facility only during family hours and must be accompanied by an HSU affiliated sponsor
  • Guests 18 years of age and older are permitted access to the facility during all hours but must be accompanied by an HSU affiliated sponsor
  • Guest passes are only valid for the issued day
  • 教师、职员、学生及校友每次最多可携2位嘉宾到访. 客人每天收费3美元(2019年6月1日起生效). 所有付款必须在前台用信用卡或Apple Pay支付,不接受现金.
  • 非会员每学期只能参观三次HSU UREC设施
  • Members must complete a UREC waiver
  • 会员在整个参观期间必须由赞助人陪同.
  • 18岁以上的客人可以使用篮球场, 健身器材, 室内的地盘, 高架轨道, 室外游泳池.
  • 18岁以下的客人只能使用篮球场, 室内的地盘, 高架轨道, 室外游泳池.
  • Please 不e that the HSU affiliated sponsor takes full responsibility for any damage to equipment or spaces
  • 会员的客人不得参加校内体育等校园娱乐活动, 俱乐部体育, 个人培训, 团体活动或其他由大学提供的额外活动


欢迎本校教职员携家人出席, 包括儿童在家庭周末时间免费. 请参阅家庭设施时间下列出的家庭时间.

校友 are welcome to purchase a fitness center or a swimming 池 membership for their verified family members. Please click on either the 校友 会员s or Brand Swimming Pool 费用 purple tab for membership pricing and additional information for family members.

Students are welcome to purchase a fitness center or a swimming 池 membership for their verified family members. Please click on either the 校友 会员s or Brand Swimming Pool 费用 purple tab for membership pricing and additional information for family members.


所有 弗莱彻健身中心和游泳池的家庭会员将需要提供 抚养证明!

合资格成为会员的家庭包括与申请人同住一户的配偶及受养人 同一永久地址. In addition, dependents/children are eligible for membership if over the age of 25.

家庭 must provide an 更新 具有相同永久住址的身份证明文件,以便核实.

Forms of Identification include:

  • 出生证明
  • 学校成绩单
  • 驾照
  • Adoption Papers (if eligible)

如有进一步问题,请联系弗莱彻健身中心前台 (325) 671-2208.

家庭必须遵守所有的客人政策/规则. Please refer to HSU 健身 Center Guest Policy

Children 17 and Younger 

  • Must always be supervised by their sponsor
  • 由于安全原因,不能使用自由举重和有氧运动器材

Termination/ Suspension of 会员

  • HSU administration reserves the right to terminate any active membership that 工作人员 deems to be creating an unsafe environment:
    • Inappropriate supervising of a dependent
    • Inappropriate behaviors (language, actions)
  • 健身中心的工作人员将有权决定着装是否合适.
  • 没有牛仔裤, 牛仔短裤, 工装裤或带有金属件和配件的衣服,可能会损坏室内装潢.
  • No spandex shorts or sports bra tops or bottoms that are 不 covered by approved athletic attire including:
    • Cut-off shirts, sport bras and crop tops.
  • No open-toe or slip-on shoes.
  • 衬衫和背心必须1)穿着,2)覆盖整个躯干.e.(胸部、腹部).

Front entrance of the Fletcher 健身 Center provides illustrations to help you determine which shirts/tops can and can不 be worn. The NOGO includes any attire that is altered more and/or shows more of the torso than what is portrayed.

Thank you for your cooperation!

非常感谢您一直以来对弗莱彻健身中心的赞助.  As Hardin-Simmons 校友, 在过去的三年里,为您的健身服务是我们的荣幸.

We hope you have been able to enjoy your complimentary introductory membership as a way to acquaint you with all of the benefits our center has to offer, 包括室内跑道, 健身器材, weight training equipment, pickleball and badminton, 池, 团体健身班, 和更多的.

随着对人员和资源需求的增加, 我们将从2022年开始向收费会员制过渡.  We realize that this will be a change and appreciate your support so that we can continue to make this amazing campus amenity available for all of our guests.  我们一直非常努力地保持会员费用负担得起,并与其他地区的健身房竞争.

A couple of exciting additions, we will be offering the option for family membership passes and discounts for extended memberships and 池 combo memberships.

健身 会员 费用:

  • 1 Month Individual 会员  $35
  • 4 Month Individual 会员  $100
  • 12 Month Individual 会员  $240
  • 12个月家庭会籍$480(含会员), 配偶, and up to two dependents age 25 and under)

Complete Details are in this flyer.

您可以从1月3日开始在我们的前台购买会员资格.  1月10日生效, 2022, any person visiting the gym will be required to show proof of membership before entering the facility.  我们希望这个过渡尽可能的顺利.  如果你有任何问题,请打(325)671-2208找我.

  • The 健身 Center is limited to HSU 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 以及, their families and guests.
  • 在前台用您的UREC批准的身份证件办理入住手续.
  • 你必须年满18岁才能在没有监督的情况下参加.
  • 健身中心不允许携带食物、烟草和口香糖.
  • 在前台后面的水瓶必须放在一个非玻璃容器中,并有一个可重新密封的盖子.
  • 除导游或服务动物外,禁止携带宠物入内.
  • 你不能把私人物品放在地板上. 您必须将所有个人物品存放在更衣室的日间储物柜中. HSU is 不 responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • 所有 items of equipment that are rented out must be returned to the front desk before leaving the fitness center.
  • The HSU fitness center 工作人员 reserves the right to ask people to leave at any time for inappropriate behavior or breaking the fitness center rules.
  • 所有顾客必须:
    • Wear appropriate workout clothes
    • 穿一件紧身衬衫
    • Wear 关闭-toe running shoes

Thank you for your cooperation!

Swimming Pool 会员 费用

  • 1-Day Pool or Guest Pass: $3
  • Single Monthly Pool Pass: $25
  • 校友 and Student Family Monthly Pool Pass: $75
  • 校友和学生家庭夏季/秋季学期通行证:225美元


  • 星期一:关闭
  • 星期二至星期五:早上6点.m. – 8 a.m. (绕圈游泳)/12.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 星期六:下午12点.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 周日:下午1点.m. – 6 p.m.


  • 星期五:下午三点.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 星期六:下午12点.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 周日:下午1点.m. – 6 p.m.


  • 星期二至星期六:中午12点.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 周日:下午1点.m. – 6 p.m.

Learn to Swim and Lifeguarding

有关救生员证书或HSU学习游泳课程的问题,请联系Dr. 科里·里德 swim@taomili.net 或访问 http://hsuswim.wordpress.com/lifeguard-certification/

Pool party reservations are 现在关闭了 for the remainder of the 2024 fall semester.

Pool Party Policies and 规定

  • 泳池派对的预订时间从下午6:30开始.m.- 10:30 p.m. 星期二至星期日.
  • 所有付款必须以信用卡支付,恕不接受现金.
  • 全额付款应在预订泳池派对时支付. 在收到付款之前,不保证预订日期和时间. 
  • 所有 party patrons must enter through the fitness center entrance and sign a waiver to get access to the 池 area.
  • 所有顾客必须提前两周预约.
  • 泳池派对不能超过该泳池派对预订的分配人数. 重要的是要注意这包括游泳者和非游泳者. If a 池 party exceeds maximum reservation numbers all additional patrons will 不 be allowed in the 池 area. 客人可能会被要求在前台等候,直到客人离开泳池派对.
  • UREC不允许在同一个晚上重复预订泳池派对.
  • 所有泳池派对预订在提交和付款时最终确定. Once your reservation is submitted you may 不 change the number of people or time for your 池 party reservation. 这也包括您预订泳池派对的那天. 要取消您的泳池派对预订,请查看以下取消和退款政策.
  • 请在预订泳池派对后检查您的电子邮件. If you do 不 receive a confirmation email with a receipt please call the front desk to ensure your payment went through and your party has been booked.
  • UREC不允许预订超过75人的泳池派对.


2-Hour Time Slot- Pricing

  • 1-25人125美元
  • 26-50人150美元
  • 51-75人200美元

4-Hour Time Slot -Pricing

  • 1-25人250美元
  • 26-50人300美元
  • 51-75人350美元

取消 & 退款政策




Weather Policy for 泳池派对


如会员因预计天气状况而选择在派对开始前取消, they’re eligible for reschedule but no refund. Reschedules will depend on availability.

General Rules and 规定

  1. Children younger than 18 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult 18 years of age or older.
  2. 所有 池 patrons must be attired in a swimsuit. 不允许穿短裤、其他临时泳衣或比基尼. 游泳区禁止穿便装和水色鞋.
  3. 所有 party patrons must enter through the fitness center entrance and sign a waiver to gain access to the 池.
  4. 所有顾客必须从健身中心入口进入,并支付3美元的费用. Please 不e an HSU sponsor can only bring 两位客人 每次泳池访问. Card is only accepted, no other form of payment.
  5. 由于以下任何原因,泳池可能会被拒绝入场:
  6. Intoxication or under the influence of drugs.
  7. Evidence of contagious disease.
  8. 伤口或溃疡.
  9. The facility supervisor has the authorization to request anyone to take a shower before entering the 池.
  10. 不允许使用辱骂或亵渎的语言.
  11. 任何形式的烟草、酒精饮料或药物都不允许进入或靠近游泳池.
  12. Chewing gum is 不 permitted in the 池 area.
  13. 食物和饮料必须限制在有草或阴凉的地方.
  14. No sunbathing on the deck. Grassy areas and chairs are available.
  15. 禁止将玻璃瓶或药品带入泳池内.
  16. 不允许在泳池区或甲板上打闹.
  17. 泳池区围栏内禁止跑步.
  18. 任何地方都不允许翻、转、扭,也不允许在浅水区潜水.
  19. 游泳者必须远离泳道绳索、安全线和救生员站.
  20. 不允许在泳池入口或收银窗口附近闲逛.
  21. 不允许使用普通尿布,只允许使用“游泳尿布”.
  22. 仅允许员工进入办公室、过滤区、机械室和存储区.
  23. 顾客不允许使用办公室电话.
  24. 只有你.S. 海岸警卫队批准的漂浮设备可以在泳池区域使用.
  25. 除协助残障人士外,动物不得进入泳池区域.
  26. Swimmers will 不 be allowed in water past shoulder depth unless they can pass the swim test described below.
  27. 展示游泳时的呼吸能力.
  28. Facility supervisors may eject and suspend persons from the 池 area for any violation of 池 rules or any action determinate to the safe and orderly operation of the swimming 池.
  29. There will be a 10-minute break each hour.

Please obey the rules listed above because they are designed for your safety and the safety of others.


  1. Guest must be present with a photo ID and DOB
  2. 所有顾客必须从健身中心入口进入,并支付3美元的费用. Card is only accepted, no other form of payment
  3. 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 校友及获批准的HSU配偶/受养人(年满18岁)每次最多可携2位客人到访. Guests will be charged $3 per visit. 所有付款必须在前台以信用卡支付,不接受现金
    1. 非会员(客人)来泳池的次数不受限制
  4. Guest pass is only valid for the issued day
  5. HSU附属会员在整个访问期间必须由保证人陪同
    1. 附属人员包括:教师, 工作人员, 校友, 学生 and HSU 配偶/dependents.


  • If the temperature outside is below 45 degrees ambient (windchill or temp) then the 池 will be 关闭 for the day.
  • 如果在泳池方圆八英里内发现闪电, 所有人将被要求撤离泳池30分钟.


所有 swimmers 12 and younger or by the judgement of the lifeguards on duty will need to take a swim test.

这个测试是用来让游泳者进入深水区和跳板. 如果游泳者失败了,他们不允许进入深水区或跳板.

When administering the test, 如果他们需要帮助,一名警卫将进入水中并游到附近. Any assistance is an automatic fail.

To pass, the patron must:

  • 跳入水中,在水面上保持水平.
  • 不要接触墙壁或任何支撑物,踩水30秒.
  • 能够在没有帮助的情况下游到深水的另一边.
  • 演示呼吸控制——游泳时抬起或转动头部换气的能力.
  • Exit the water independently; without using the ladder.

一旦完成,如果游泳者通过,他们将被允许在深水区游泳.  如果游泳者失败了,他们需要戴上腕带.



**Swimmers are given one chance that day. 如果他们没有通过,他们可以改天再来参加游泳测试.**

Locker Rental and Renewal
教职员工、校友和学生可以在适当的学期租用储物柜. You can rent out your locker on the initial date listed and all items must be emptied out by the expiration date.

所有 semester lockers are $10.

  • To reserve your locker, stop by the front desk.
  • 提供锁
  • 租金采用“先到先得”的原则。
  • Lockers are 不 transferable
  • 新: 华大UREC现在提供洗澡用毛巾服务. For $20 per term, you can check out a bath towel. When you’re ready to leave, 把你的毛巾放在毛巾分配器里,每次来都换一条新的.

To foster lifelong learning and wellness, stimulate a Physical and Spiritual development to facilitate retention by providing recreation services to the 学生 first, 以及 the university community.

Hardin-Simmons University’s -University 娱乐 (UREC) will be recognized as a leader in recreation and transformational education.

1. Provide co-curricular programs and services that enhance the success of our 学生 in a safe and diverse environment.
2. 改善校园社区的健康状况.
3. 发展和完善校园娱乐设施.
4. 为目标人群制定外展计划.
5. 提高UREC员工的知识和专业发展.
6. Manage fiscal resources in a responsible manner

有效地履行其使命和实现其目标, the University 娱乐 (UREC) provides, within the scope of its resources, 以下几点:

  • Opportunities for a variety of cooperative and competitive activities that will contribute to an individual’s physical fitness;
  • 获得高质量,现代和现代化的设施和项目;
  • 各种各样的节目,包括主要的非正式娱乐活动, 水上运动, 校内的运动, 体育运动俱乐部, 户外休闲, 和健身;
  • Coordination of the scheduling of events, promotion of activities and maintenance of campus recreational facilities to maximize facility use to better serve the campus community;
  • 培养学生的领导能力, 管理, program planning and communication skills;
  • 课外机会通过参与和领导角色设计,以提高社会, psychological and physiological development.