会员 Registration
To register for a membership, 请到健身中心前台申请成为会员. 此外,未来的会员应准备下列文件:
- 上海外国语大学学生、教职员工身份证
- HSU 校友: Valid 驾照 or legal document with a Photo ID and proof of Date of Birth (DOB)
- HSU Dependent: Proof of age (i.e. driver’s license or birth certificate)
- HSU Spouse: 驾照
学生、教师、 & 员工会员
Students are assessed a fee, 这些都包含在哈丁·西蒙斯大学的学费发票里. 作为福利包的一部分,教职员工可以免费成为该设施的会员.
一旦教师, 工作人员, 学生们已经注册成为会员, they may use their university issued ID card. 此卡必须出示,方可进入健身中心.
To sign-up for an 校友 membership, 赞助人必须获得哈丁·西蒙斯大学的学位. 校友健身中心和泳池会员价格, 请参阅“校友会籍”或“品牌泳池收费”紫色标签.
HSU 健身 Center Guest Policy
- 所有 members must show their school ID
- Guest must be present with a photo ID and DOB
- Guests under 18 years of age are permitted access to the facility only during family hours and must be accompanied by an HSU affiliated sponsor
- Guests 18 years of age and older are permitted access to the facility during all hours but must be accompanied by an HSU affiliated sponsor
- Guest passes are only valid for the issued day
- 教师、职员、学生及校友每次最多可携2位嘉宾到访. 客人每天收费3美元(2019年6月1日起生效). 所有付款必须在前台用信用卡或Apple Pay支付,不接受现金.
- 非会员每学期只能参观三次HSU UREC设施
- Members must complete a UREC waiver
- 会员在整个参观期间必须由赞助人陪同.
- 18岁以上的客人可以使用篮球场, 健身器材, 室内的地盘, 高架轨道, 室外游泳池.
- 18岁以下的客人只能使用篮球场, 室内的地盘, 高架轨道, 室外游泳池.
- Please 不e that the HSU affiliated sponsor takes full responsibility for any damage to equipment or spaces
- 会员的客人不得参加校内体育等校园娱乐活动, 俱乐部体育, 个人培训, 团体活动或其他由大学提供的额外活动
欢迎本校教职员携家人出席, 包括儿童在家庭周末时间免费. 请参阅家庭设施时间下列出的家庭时间.
校友 are welcome to purchase a fitness center or a swimming 池 membership for their verified family members. Please click on either the 校友 会员s or Brand Swimming Pool 费用 purple tab for membership pricing and additional information for family members.
Students are welcome to purchase a fitness center or a swimming 池 membership for their verified family members. Please click on either the 校友 会员s or Brand Swimming Pool 费用 purple tab for membership pricing and additional information for family members.
所有 弗莱彻健身中心和游泳池的家庭会员将需要提供 抚养证明!
合资格成为会员的家庭包括与申请人同住一户的配偶及受养人 同一永久地址. In addition, dependents/children are 不 eligible for membership if over the age of 25.
家庭 must provide an 更新 具有相同永久住址的身份证明文件,以便核实.
Forms of Identification include:
- 出生证明
- 学校成绩单
- 驾照
- Adoption Papers (if eligible)
如有进一步问题,请联系弗莱彻健身中心前台 (325) 671-2208.
家庭必须遵守所有的客人政策/规则. Please refer to HSU 健身 Center Guest Policy
Children 17 and Younger
- Must always be supervised by their sponsor
- 由于安全原因,不能使用自由举重和有氧运动器材
Termination/ Suspension of 会员
- HSU administration reserves the right to terminate any active membership that 工作人员 deems to be creating an unsafe environment:
- Inappropriate supervising of a dependent
- Inappropriate behaviors (language, actions)